Pierre works as a postdoc at UC Berkeley, in the department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, supervised by Nicholas Swanson-Hysell and John Chiang. He graduated jointly from the École Normale Supérieur of Paris (France) and the University Pierre & Marie Curie, in geosciences (bachelor degree) and climate sciences (master degree). He then completed his doctoral degree at the University Paul Sabatier at Toulouse (South-West France). Since his PhD, his research focuses on the interactions between Earth surface processes, atmosphere-ocean dynamics and geologic carbon cycle, with emphasis on silicate weathering carbon sink. He is mainly doing numerical modeling (though open to geologic field work), developing Fortran and Python codes, and learning to master General Circulation Models. He is a staunch supporter of Linux OS and command-line interface. He also plays music. All of this does not prevent him from enjoying a wide range of outdoor activities, from rock-climbing and hiking to windsurfing and scuba diving.